Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke was a very good movie. First of all, one thing I liked about was that it was in color. Almost every movie we have watched so far, except for Peter Jackson's King Kong, was in black and white. It was nice to actually see an older movie in color. Plus the story line was very good, so it helped to keep the class focused and made it easier to understand what was going on in the movie. In the beginning Luke was found cutting off the heads of parking meters drunk by a policeman. He was then taken to do two years in prison. While Luke was in prison he had to call all the prison guards "boss." At first Luke stayed calm and cool while in prison. He would do all the work he was told to do without argument. He was also taking bets a lot no matter how impossible they seemed. He ate 50 raw eggs in only one hour. But after he started spending time in the box for no reason he started running away multiple times. The guards then kept beating up Luke and making him work extra hard to make sure he wouldn't try to escape again. After the second time Luke tried to escape they beat him up and warned him that he wouldn't try to escape anymore. But Luke tried to run away for a third time and this time there was no warning. Luke was shot in a church and killed. This movie was a very good movie overall, and I think the ending to the movie is the biggest reason it was so great.


  1. i agree with almost everything you said my friend

  2. I thought that this movie was good to and having the movie be in color defintely made me pay attention more and actual follow what was going on.

  3. i agree with you that the movie being in color definetly made the movie more entertaining and interesting to watch and follow the story.
