Wednesday, February 10, 2010

new king kong review

I enjoyed Peter Jackson's film, King Kong. I enjoyed it because it had a very gripping plot. The plot was very interesting because there was a lot of action in the movie. They did a great job with the special effects. It was very realistic, especially after watching the 1933 version of King Kong. The 2005 version of King Kong was terrific. Even though it was a remake of the old version of King Kong, the new version was also made as his own version with the modern technology of today. The beginning of Peter Jackson's King Kong was boring and slow, though. In the 1933 version of King Kong, they got to the action quicker than in Peter Jackson's King Kong. In the beginning Peter Jackson was trying to show what that era was like and introduce the characters, but it was slow and boring. But once they boarded the ship the movie got more interesting to me and I was ready for a breathtaking adventure. The next scenes were action-packed and spectacular. The way King Kong fought the Tyrannosaurus Rexes, the huge bats, and especially the airplanes was amazing. Peter Jackson did a great job directing this movie. The acting was very good, special effects were great, and the way the movie sucked you right in and got you interested. It was a great way to recreate the original King Kong and make it better with todays technology. I don't think their is a director out there that could've done a better job recreating King Kong than Peter Jackson. He was the perfect director for the new King Kong. I hope that sometime in the future another director can try to recreate one of Peter Jackson's great movies to honor the way Peter Jackson did with King Kong.

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